Wellness Journey SF

Philosophy: It is possible to feel better

I know that coming to this decision and finding someone to make these changes with can be difficult. 

Together, we will embark on your wellness journey through: exploration, empowerment, sustainability and balance.




I will support you to explore mental, emotional and behavioral challenges that impact different areas of your life. We will explore your story and beliefs that shape your life and relationships. We will gain an understanding of the function of your behavior and which needs are being met or not. We will explore what’s working well for you, and see how can we use your strengths to address challenging areas in your life.



I will empower you to identify your values and goals, and make the changes you desire.  Together, we will come up with a plan to meet these goals and address barriers when they arise.  I will hold you accountable in a way that feels comfortable for you (tough love, friendly reminders, or something in between).  



I am passionate about sustainability and supporting you to learn skills that you can use to appropriately cope and make healthy choices that align with your values and goals. The hope is that you will be able to transfer these skills to different situations and use them to address current and future challenges.



Finally, I will support you with finding and maintaining balance in your life.  There are so many things we try to balance in our lives, consciously and subconsciously, such as work, family, relationships and friendships, health, religion, and the list goes on.  We will focus on intentionality; helping you decide where and with who you spend your energy, and feel good about it!

The future depends on what you do today.
— Mahatma Gandhi