clinical supervision:

I am able to provide weekly supervision to pre-licensed Associate Clinical Social Workers (ASW’s) working in a variety of settings, including government agencies, schools and community mental health settings.

I support my supervisees to reach their professional goals of: adding more “tools” to their toolbox, to provide individualized, strengths based treatment, to utilize curiosity, creativity and other strategies to navigate the complexities of challenging clinical cases, and to take care of themselves. I also support my supervisees as they prepare to take and pass their BBS exams.

Clinical supervision with me will include: collaboration and great clinical discussions, laughter and maybe some tears (training as an ASW is hard work!) and celebrations of your and your clients progress towards goals. I will challenge you to view your work through a culturally competent lens, to discuss countertransference and will hold you accountable to your professional goals.

In my five years experience providing supervision at a large, mental health non-profit agency, I have been described as: warm, compassionate, kind, insightful and, that I “get it” and “keep it real”. My supervisees have said that I genuinely have their wellbeing at heart and am a big promoter of self-care.