individual therapy: Adulting


Work, relationships, self-care and fun; it’s a lot to balance. You feel overwhelmed with conflicting responsibilities and priorities, compromise and a check-list that never gets any shorter. Your relationships with others and yourself are struggling. You’re used to “doing well” but you’re feeling insecure and inadequate. You feel burnt out on life. You are high-performing and high-achieving and “successful” yet it doesn’t feel like it’s ever enough, fulfilling or bringing you joy. You’re having a hard time being present because you keep doing, moving and searching for more. You make choices that do not feel good which you later regret and resent. Navigating transitions is challenging, because let’s face it; change is hard.  

how i can help

I can support you to have a work-life balance where you’re able to prioritize and focus on what’s important to you, while compromising in a way that aligns with your values and goals. We can work on identifying your triggers and healthy ways to cope, while helping you make choices that you feel proud of. You can live a life where you are more present and to celebrate (small and big) moments of your life.  It’s possible to experience transitional moments more smoothly, while maintaining your boundaries and values. I can support you to replace the “shoulds” and negative self-talk with messages of pride, acceptance and gratitude.  What you say to yourself does matter.